After a hiatus of, well, a while, I'm starting back to blog. I should have done so quite a while back, but I'm as human as anyone else, and I procrastinate. The bipolar thingie bit didn't help either.
Anyway, I'm back thanks to a gracious and humbling birthday present I received from someone who is indeed pursuing what they think is important in their life.
That's not the bad news. The bad news is that my bipolar symptoms seem to be getting slowly worse as I age. The patterns of depression and mania are changing in such a way that I am becoming less social and my circle of friends and acquaintances is growing ever smaller. It's a slow process, but an extrapolation of the trend over the next 5 - 10 years, shows that I'm essentially becoming a recluse.
Heaven forbid. I don't want to be a recluse.
I have been trying to stop this process for the last year or so, but it's not really working.
The good news is that I have gathered a lot of experience with the mood swings over the last year or two and it's time for me to start writing about it. Look out for cool stuff.
You'll find that my blogs might sound a little darker than they have been in the past. I can't help that given my recent experiences, but my sense of humour is still there.
Y'all have a good day.
WP 3 comments
Leslie1Nov 17, 2012User InfoYou too.. be well. May we be free from suffering..Some of my highlights from a book this makes me think of:“We’ve all had our hearts broken by the relentless search to avoid suffering.”“There is sickness here, but I am not sick.”“Whether sick or well, may your body be a vehicle for liberation.”How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers.ApprovedSpamTrashLikeEditReplyLeilaniJul 13, 2012User InfoI have NOT completely read and played in and on the sites… I NEED to. I wanted to Thank You for giving me Hope. I use to think I was rather good at expressing myself and my emotions, however I’ve found that for the last 18 months the words have done more than just elude me, they’ve completely dissappeared. You though my friend have shed light upon this darkened place and affirmed that I, am not alone in this battle. Thank you for saving me from myself, for helping me to have that precious moment where I breathe, deeply. My thoughts are often with you and I’m sending you great thoughts, smiles, and love. Please continue to fight this fight…. AlwazApprovedSpamTrashLikeEditReplyAngieJun 28, 2012User InfoThank you for posting again. I found you because I am reading about seroquel since my teen son started taking it yesterday and feels like a zombie today. Anyway, thank you for sharing your life with your readers.ApprovedSpamTrashLikeEditReply