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23 Aug 2019

The website www.livingmanicdepressive.com was created in 1997, has been through 15 iterations, predates Gmail, and was a blog before blogging software even existed. And it has always been written and maintained by one person.

Although the website was mostly retired in August 2019, the data remains just as relevant as it ever did - improvements in mental health care have not been very forthcoming. It is still worth reading if you are looking for information.

I occasionally add new information - updating the existing articles, adding a few new ones, and writing in my diary. Sadly, my mood swings are getting worse, so the entries are darker now.

Because it is an archive, there are rough edges. Forgive me when you come across them.

Some views here about managing bipolar disorder or depression or mania diverge from or contradict mainstream ideas. That’s because there is a huge difference between writing about these topics from a research perspective and writing about mania and depression from personal experience.

I’ve added details about actually being bipolar and the pitfalls in managing drugs and daily life that no researcher would ever think to consider in a study, but which are important in coping successfully.

In case you are wondering who I am, here is the information about the author.


Effective 23 August 2019, the author's personal writings on www.livingmanicdepressive.com are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License.

This means that while the copyright remains with the author, you're free to copy and share the website writings as long as you tell people where you got it from and as long as you don't make money from it (see here).

If you use the Grant of License as per above, you must include

  • On paper or other media, the citation: Mohammed, Jinnah. 1997/2019. “Living Manic Depressive – coping with depression, mania, and bipolar disorder” Trinidad and Tobago, https://www.livingmanicdepressive.com.

  • A notice that the work is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License.

  • Where necessary, the author's disclaimer "The author is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder but is not a medical practitioner. For diagnosis and treatment of depression, mania, or bipolar disorder, please seek the advice of a doctor or psychiatrist. The author accepts no liability caused directly or indirectly from actions taken based on these writings."

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The website has never had advertising or sponsorship nor any commercial, government, educational, or non-profit affiliations.

I won't place ads on the website. Don't ask me.

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