19 Dec 2009Carrying a gal to the bar with me tonight who is cute as a button and willing to bite off the arm of anyone who gives me (or her) trouble. And when I say bite off, I kinda mean it literally...
MAFD: You must go to interesting bars!
MH: yeah tell me so i can come out and meet your gal
KH: You are taking your dog to a bar?? LOL
JM: Had a great time last night. Devka was absolutely thrilled. And the star attraction everywhere. We're gonna have to do this again.
Clean Dogs
14 Dec 2009Clean dogs go bar hopping too.
JK: I would have expected that to be rabbits and kangaroos.
MM: Belongs in a fortune cookie
Christmas Presents
13 Dec 2009Went Christmas shopping. Brought lots of presents. Now I only need to get for other people.
AB: My cousin!!! We think alike... Getting myself to actually buy presents for other people is always the challenge...
HH: hahahahahahahahahahaha
LL: LOL! ditto!!!!!!
KP: lol.... goodness!! u too??!!
IT Person
9 Dec 2009In an effort to stop rampant internet use, the IT person at work has placed a firewall on my computer that allows me to access only Gmail. As a result, my facebook presence is likely to drop (precipitously). Negotiations are continuing about this callous disregard for my social life.
AB: um... Isnt this specific IT individual on your payroll!!!??? ..... Use your power...
GB: Err...Aren't you the IT person at work? If so, I commiserate; my boss hasn't raised my salary in 4 years!
JM: @GB: Well, yes, but he's still a real bastard.
RR: Would love to see the outcome of this
Fuzzy Wuzzy
3 Dec 2009Considering nicknaming Aleksei "Fuzzy Wuzzy" for the next two months.
HH: Hmmmmmm not bad. I would go with shaggy.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, wuzzy?
HH: I am not sure .... think he got shot by smokey the bear .... gang rivalry LOL
JM: Drive by trimming by a crazy man with an electric razor
Trimming Dogs at 2 am
2 Dec 2009Trimming dogs at 2 am might not be the wisest idea, especially since the in-season, reindeer style seems perfectly reasonable at that hour. When I woke up this morning...
ERN: we want pictures. alexi with a raindeer sounds cool
JM: Oh dear. Reindeer have short tails. So either I clip his tail or inflict myself on Kiska. Though lowering Kiska's dignity by adding antlers is a big jump, even for me.
96 percent Humidity
1 Dec 2009We've been having cold weather (that's 24 deg C to you northies) and 96 percent humidity. It's like breathing underwater. The floor is tacky as water condenses out onto it and mould is growing on my leather shoes. But the days and nights are brilliantly clear and the sunshine is a wonderful warm green-gold colour. It's Christmas in the tropics!
BSBG: Jinnah I'll make you a deal u come to Boston to shave the cat and I come to t&t to paint your guestroom ~{:o)
KH: What a deal! Aren't you going to Boston anyway?
JM: In Jan.
JK: Let's see -- "30s hot, 20s not, 10 has breezes, zero freezes", right? "Cold" is relative, of course. Floridians haul out winter coats at temperatures which northerners consider shirtsleeve weather.
JM: @JK: Joe: I've realised that once temperatures get into the twenties (Celsius), Trinidadians tend to feel warm/cold as humidity levels vary, instead of temperature. I've realised that most days when I'm thinking, "gosh, today feels cool," what has happened is that the temperature may have dropped by 2-3 degrees, but the humidity level has decreased by 20-40 percent. One of those regional quirks that you might find of interest.
JK: Ah. That makes sense; it's essentially the same thing as the "wind chill temperature" we're used to in New England.
Being a Daddy
26 Nov 2009The probably not pregnant dog is still acting as if she is. Spent the evening in the doghouse with her. She showed me her two puppies - the green squeaky ball and the grey squeaky monster, and settled happily and comfortably in the crate after spending 10 minutes rearranging all the towels to her liking. I sat close to her, reading. My social life is going to the dogs, but that's what happens when you are a daddy.
Pregnant is not pregnant
21 Nov 2009The pregnant puppy is not pregnant. Or so the vet says. But she is wandering around the house with a squeaky toy in her mouth and whining and generally looking woebegone. So I'm not entirely convinced. However, if no puppies appear in the next two weeks, I'll organise my travels.
Pride and Clippers
16 Nov 2009"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of an electric shaver, is wont to try it on the big stuff."
KRMM: Noooooo!
KH: Send pics!!
JM: ...somewhat defensively "But Aleksei looks really handsome, like a lean elegant long distance runner. Though admittedly, not like a Black Russian Terrier." Will take pictures as soon as they stop hiding behind the couch.
KH: Poor babies!
MAFD: Yeah, I think I'd hide behind the couch if someone shaved me too! Poor puppies! Bad Jinnah!
Thank you for the smile!..and I do think that u have done what some of us have indeed pondered, heeheehee.
Though as great as the temptation maybe the fact that it would dull the thing keeps me from doing it!!! oh yah and my babies are both over a hundred lbs each!!!
lololol ~{;o)
Sex or a Bitten Foreleg
10 Nov 2009Have decided to have puppies. Or at least to let the little boy doggie have sex. Though right now it's a tossup whether he'll get sex or a bitten foreleg.
Dogs for Sale
5 Nov 2009Have three dogs. For sale. Daily Requirements: feeding (15 min). walking (45 min), coat cutting (20 min), petting (4 hours). On command will bite anyone who you don't like. Cute and fluffy. House trained. $12 ono.
KR: lol.....i really hope that u're not selling ur 'on command will bite anyone you dont like'- not true for ur doggies at all!
JM: They've been getting attack dog training, so yeah, they actually do bite on command. Of course, the commands are in German, because, well, that's what Black Russian Terriers speak. Right. Next time you pass, I'll show ya (I recommend bringing a friend).
Sleeping Doggies
2 Nov 2009It's very relaxing to watch sleeping doggies draped on the porch deck.
Vampire Zombie Werewolf
30 Oct 2009Am writing a script for a vampire zombie werewolf with magic powers because of a Faerie grandparents? Plotline - The whales are the animal to call but are in danger because of oxygen loss in the sea due to global warming. Dubai, drying aquifers, pirates are involved. GMFiatChrysler makes the transformer submersibles to look for solutions at hydrothermal vents to a deadline of 21 Dec 2012. Did I miss anything out?
JM: Apart from ray guns.
NG: Could it be a coming of age story of a vampire zombie werewolf....?
KH: Or maybe the after-effects of johnny walker.
JM: @NG: Sure thing. How about male nineteen year old hero brought up by his two dads who falls for a gorgeous supersmart girl who is involved in dubious bioethanol lobbying. Torn between hormones, the discovery of the first mature love, and taking an ethical stance. And let's not forget the baby whale that is his familiar.
JM: @KH: Nah. He doesn't drink scotch. He's more of a vodka/blood kinda guy. But mostly he avoids alcohol because it reacts with zombie werewolf combination and makes him sneeze.
KH: The imagination behooves me.
AE: Wow.
Man with Vampire Dogs
28 Oct 2009Jinnah has decided his Halloween costume will be "Man with Vampire Dogs." Checklist: Dogs, With large fangs, And Bloodlust, And willing to tear throat. Check, check, check and check. Will not be feeding them on Sat. Anyone wants to come trick or treating with me?
Niece's shoes
20 Oct 2009In process of dropping niece to school. Why are shoes worn on hands and not on feet?....."You have one black and one blue sock you know?" - "Yup, and another pair at home too."
Doggies may never learn to feed themselves or brush their hair, but they are definitely easier to understand.

Doggies in the Park
5 Oct 2009Comments:MH:
they are so majestic.
can i take this picture? will post at one point.
this picture is needing a mansion in the background and these are the
masters happily holding down their domain.
JM: Ha. They already masters of my household.
RD: adorable!
CCS: ooooooooooow am in love :) i will have to come love them up :P
KP: woooooow jinnah, your doggies are gorgeous, oh my word!!!
Ef it.
29 Sep 2009Feeling fundamentally flawed. Furious forward flight fabrication of fantasy, future failure forecast. Frustrated.
16 Sep 09Jinnah Mohammed's life has derailed somewhat. Again. As usual. He realises that if he does not think about / approach his life as an ongoing story, complete with meaningful plot, it quickly falls apart. But when he does create an ongoing daily story, he is able to hold the threads together.
Jinnah's upcoming novel will be called "Jinnah and the Three Cute Wolves," and will be a children's story, because, well...he likes children's stories the best. Especially with pretty pictures. Once upon a time there was a wolf in heat. She was very young and very inexperienced...
8 Sep 2009Dear Lord,
Give me the patience to bathe three dogs
And blow dry them
Show me the wisdom to realise
that ten minutes spent daily brushing the dogs
saves hours of detangling later
Let me accept that being licked on the face
while attending to Devka's paws
is a sign of love
And remind me to wash my face
before letting anyone kiss my cheeks
Teach me understanding when
Aleksei refuses to climb on the table
and protect my back when I have to lift him on
Forgive me that I do not love all your creatures
particularly ticks on Kiska
and give blessings to the makers of Frontline
Keep my hand steady
When I trim the dogs' beards - and thank you
for providently supplying heavy duty hair clippers to Pricesmart
So trimming is not an ungodly effort
And above all remind me that my dogs' love
is a small symbol of your love for this world
though improving the smell of Aleksei's beard
would be nice.
Version without names
Dear Lord,
Give me the patience to bathe three dogs
And blow dry them
Show me the wisdom to realise
that ten minutes spent daily brushing the dogs
saves hours of detangling later
Let me accept that being licked on the face
while attending to paws
is a sign of love
And remind me to wash my face
before letting anyone kiss my cheeks
Teach me understanding when
they refuse to climb on the grooming table
and protect my back when I have to lift them on
Forgive me that I do not love all your creatures
particularly ticks
and give blessings to the makers of Frontline
Keep my hand steady
When I trim them - and thank you
for having Pricesmart sell heavy duty hair clippers
when I needed one, so cutting their coats
is not an ungodly chore
And above all remind me that my dogs' love
is a small symbol of your love for this world
though improving the smell of Aleksei's beard
would be nice.
24 Aug 2009Look. Look jinnah. Look jinnah worry about lizard. Look jinnah leave window open for lizard to escape. Look jinnah forget window open.
See rain. See rain fall for four hours. See jinnah notice open window. See jinnah mop floor. See jinnah blow dry curtains. Jinnah thinks lizard has made its way into garden. Because lizard certainly has more common sense than jinnah.
Ripe Mango
24 Aug 2009Jinnah responds to question "wants to know when do you know that love is worth it??????"
It's two questions.
To answer the first, you know when you can ask yourself "Am I happy when I am with this person?" and the answer is yes. No fireworks or madcap activities, just the quiet happiness and contentment of being in their presence.
The second answer is - sorry, but love doesn't fall into your lap like a ripe mango. Love is the sum of the work and time and energy that you invest to make sure a relationship works well. It's not something that exists separate from your actions. If you can't commit, you aren't going to get/find/have love....
So be brave.
23 Aug 2009MH: An old fav. The video is the work of that wacky Tarsem / Deep Forest Sweet Lullaby
There once was a little girl,
who dreamt of traveling the world.
Carried by her trusty trike
To the phantasmagoric places she liked,
Imagination's lands stretched out unfurled.
MH: Lol. Great! Well done!
JM: Limericks are all that are left of my gift of poetry now that I am mostly stable. Alas.
Jinnah's House at Midnight
29 Jul 2009Jinnah's house at midnight: On the way to bed pet dog with foot. Dog likes it. Pet dog with foot some more. Other dog comes over. Pet that one on neck for 5 minutes. First one is upset and has strong nose. Pet that one. Sit on floor and pet both for a while. Realise that third dog is scratching at eye. Go to check that dog. Dog is very wriggly - finally sits on dog to be able to check dog's eye. Looks like a wound. At 12:30 in night, Jinnah is looking for Negasunt to put on wound. Which requires him to unlock house, stagger outside barefooted in pajamas to look for it. And ear buds...where does anybody keep earbuds. Did I mention wriggly dog? Finally get to bed at 1 am. Stay awake worrying for another half hour. Why do I have dogs again?
23 Jul 2009Jinnah has found out that the company making Crocs is going out of business. He is distraught. The people who go out with him in public give a sigh of relief.
Trimming Dogs
19 Jul 2009Trimming dogs. How many pounds of dog hair you can inhale before it becomes a health hazard?
Clean Puppies
18 Jul 2009Finished bathing dogs and spent most of the evening sprawled on the carpet with them. Clean puppies make good throw pillows. Wish they'd stay this way.
KP: puppies???....what kind do you have??
JM: Big black fuzzy 120 lb puppies.
Checking on kids at 4am
21 May 2009Got up at 4 am because I know something is wrong with one of my dogs. But I can't figure out what. Am just waiting for the shoe to drop.
Later. Still doesn't know what was wrong with his doggie, but it has apparently cleared up. Figuring the other dogs helped sort it out. Disconcerting to know that your dogs do perfectly fine without you.
Devka and the Savannah
29 Apr 2009Went walking Devka in the Savannah. Off leash. At first she was excited to be in such a huge open space, and then she realised it was a huge open space and ran back to hide behind my skirts. She eventually acclimatised and had a good time.