Awkward Moment
3 Nov 2013The awkward moment when you bend down to pet your dog in the dark room and it's not there. Then you trip over it.
26 Oct 2013So I'm sitting on my chair. So a dog comes to get petted. So I'm sitting on my chair petting a dog. And the dog likes it. So after a bit the dog decides to get more comfortable and settles into a new position. Now I can't reach the dog to pet it. So the dog is upset with me because I'm not petting it anymore. Wait. How is this MY fault?!?
19 Oct 2013Quiet morning rain
Whispers through open porch doors.
I hug drowsing dogs
16 Oct 2013The problem with grumbling at your dogs while petting them is that mine now think that "I love you" and "I don't love you" mean the same thing. Also "you're a good dog" and "you're a bad dog".
Basil infused Olive oil.
26 Sep 2013Basil infused olive oil: Use fresh basil. Chop finely using a coffee grinder. Put in small glass bottle - the kind they serve jam in in hotels (2" tall and 1 3/4" in diameter) until it is about 10-20% full. Add olive oil until it is 82% full. Do not overfill. To accelerate the infusion, use a steamer cookpot. Fill the lower pot with water and put the bottle with its cover loosely on in the top pot. Cover top pot and let steam for 40-45 minutes. Let cool. Once it is cool, you can use on toast, or add to your spaghetti meat sauce or other cooking. An alternative is to use weed fresh mint leaves and vegetable oil and use the weed mint infused oil to make brownies.
There is nothing to fear...
22 Sep 2013There is nothing to fear but fear itself and accidentally buying decaffeinated coffee.
Vampire Dogs
14 Sep 2013While away from facebook, I learned that biting your doggie in the neck at 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon will not turn her into a vampire dog. Not even if you do it three Sundays in a row.
Comment: BTW welcome back. I adore your flavor of insanity.
Muddy Grass
23 Jul 2013My adult doggie has discovered the joys of snuffling in muddy grass after a bath. Not sure if to be happy for her or not.
Surf 'n Gnaw
17 Jul 2013Dog room now has high-speed internet and a container of rawhide bones for air conditioned surf 'n gnaw convenience.
Glorious Day
14 Jul 2013Today is one of those gloriously sunny days that's perfect for putting a hammock up in the shade and sleeping.
Real, but Unreal
26 Jun 2013

Young girls
2 Jun 2013A vivacious young girl can command the attention of a guy over more elegant and settled ladies, especially if she is happy to lay on her back, throw her legs in the air, and snort.
The New Puppies
29 May 2013

Commenter: Puppies???? Where????
Me: There are two in each picture.
Single Parent
12 May 2013If you are a single parent of children of a different species, do you celebrate mother's day or father's day?
ERN: yes
PR: both!
NR: You get to celebrate both as a single parent...
SC: What did they get for you?
JC: Happy Mother's Day Jinnah...u d bess momma those beautiful doggies ended up with...
JC: What an attentive momma!!! They have u wrapped around their paws!!! Lol!!!
SC: Ahh... Building up your tolerance for nature, that is a good gift!
JC: Yup....& the so called unconditional American cocker & French Brittany will concur....esp as they are rescues...
SD: Both - single parents are Mother and Father so they are entitled to celebrate both! Matter settled. I have ruled!! Lol !! Have a good night Jinnah darling
CA: Both!happy parents day !
SS: Happy Mother's Day! Your pets are lucky they have someone as devoted to them as you are.
Easter Eggs
31 Mar 2013Chocolate covered espresso beans are a darned good stand in for Easter eggs.
When Google searches go bizarre
12 Mar 2013Googled 'Ketamine Trinidad'.
The first link is "Improving the efficiency of the preliminary electroejaculation technique developed for semen collection from the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina)"
The mind boggles.
This is on the US National Institute for Health website, and it's research done here at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
Click on the link, the abstract is a thing of joy.
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