Things to do still
Complete moving all draft articles from Wordpress to Google Sites
Rewrite Top level Articles for brevity
Clean up individual articles
Lamictal, Pristiq, Weed, Clonazepam
Link old versions of the website to Google Sites
Add E-mails to Google Sites from GMail
Started on
Version 1: 23 July 1999
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
Version 5
Moved from to Earthlink
Version 6
Version 7
Version 8
Version 9
1 April 2007: Wordpress Blog Launch
This is not the most auspicious day to launch a new blog, but here goes. This is the companion blog to the LivingManicDepressive website, and we are open as of today.
Of course, it's handy to have been depressed for the last week. I haven't been out of the house that much, and I've read all the new books I have, and I think I've seen all the Law and Order episodes now.
The only entertainment left was the computer, so I spent the time redesigning my website and adding this blog.
Clearly I wasn't horribly depressed or else I wouldn't have been able to focus enough to do the finicky work on the website. Or perhaps boredom is sufficiently strong to break through some parts of the depression.
Either way, it is possible to be depressed enough not to want to go outside and yet not so depressed to work on some types of productive stuff, that doesn't involve human interaction.
Looking back, my website and all the major extensions were created at times like this, when I was somewhat depressed, but not too depressed. Non-functional in most aspects of my life, but very productive in narrow slivers of it.
Moved from Wordpress to Google Docs / Sites
25 February 2019: No posts on Wordpress Living Manic Depressive updated or created any longer.
26 August 2019: domain forwarded to the archival Google Sites The site is effectively moved off Wordpress .
HTML versions of the Google Site are kept in Google Drive under the subfolder JM LMD Algernon 15 Backup. To make the HTML backup,
This does not answer the question of creating a New Google Sites file somewhere else. However, if you want a backup of the site that is formatted in standard HTML / CSS and can be opened in any web browser, follow these steps
Make sure your New Google Sites file is in a top level folder eg: MyDrive\GoogleSitesFolder . Make sure there is NOTHING ELSE in this folder except the Google Sites file.
Open Google Takeout -
In the Create a New Archive section, Deselect all products.
Scroll down and select Google Drive only.
Click on button All Drive data included.
Deselect all folders, and then select only GoogleSitesFolder (where your Google Site file is)
Click on OK
Follow the remainder of instructions for creating the archive.
When the ZIP archive is ready, download it to your computer.
When you extract this ZIP archive (and dig down a few subfolders) you will find a local copy of the Google Sites website in standard HTML / CSS format which can be opened in any web browser.
Caveat: This method isn't efficient with regard to handling images (eg: if your logo image exists on 15 pages, you'll end up with 15 copies of the logo image). This means the size of the downloaded ZIP file will be bigger than you might think it should be. I've also never tried creating a website larger than 2GB, so I have no idea what happens if your Drive archive is split over more than one ZIP file.
Caveat: This is NOT a method of backing up your Google Sites file. This method simply backs up the contents of the Google Sites file so you have the data itself in case the Google Sites file is lost / corrupted.
The following are the statistics of Living Manic Depressive while at Wordpress. In its heyday in 2014-2017, the site averaged 12,000 - 18,000 visitors per month. But it eventually reduced in 2018 and 2019 - probably due to lack of maintenance and new material on my part. Which I couldn't do because of the mood swings. The move to Google Sites is an admission that I can't reliably maintain the site. It does however remain public on the web, and is tracked by Google Analytics. During the period Jul - Dec 2009 (1936 views), 2010 (1920 views), 2011 (6501 views), 2012 (16,969 views), 2013 (106,800 views), 2014 (164,300 views), 2015 (207,600 views), 2016 (211,900 views), 2017 (169,700 views), 2018 (96,700 views), Jan to Aug 2019 (18,200 views), for a total of 1,002,526‬ views in 10 years. On closing the site had 544 followers.
Moving from Wordpress to Google Sites on 26 Aug 2019 would have broken all links to the website. In terms of racking up page views, etc. From 26 Aug 2019, this now counts as a brand new website starting from scratch.